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Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.
You may enroll a student any time during the school year.  Enrollment is held online only.  Depending on space availability, your student may be overflowed to another school site.

Items needed to enroll:

    1. Original birth certificate
    2. Immunization record (TDAP booster required for all students 7th – 12th grade)
    3. Utility bill (PGE, Water or Garbage) in the Parent/Guardian name, dated within 30 days (contracts/rental agreements not acceptable) Unable to provide a Utility Bill? Click here for more information
    4. Last report card from previous school
    5. Physical – dated after March 1 (Kindergarten & TK only)
    6. Dental examination – dated within 12 months prior to the beginning of school, August (Kindergarten & TK only)

Usted puede inscribir a un estudiante en cualquier momento durante el año escolar. La Inscripción es Sólo en Línea. Dependiendo del espacio disponible, su estudiante puede ser asignado a otro plantel escolar.

Documentos que necesita para la inscripción:

    1. Acta de nacimiento original
    2. Cartilla de vacunas  (se requiere que todos los estudiantes del 7º al 12º grado tengan el refuerzo de la vacuna TDAP)
    3. Factura de servicios públicos (PGE, Agua o Basura) (no se aceptan contratos/acuerdos de renta)  Ayuda? 
    4. Último reporte de calificaciones de la escuela anterior
    5. Examen físico – con fecha después del 1º de marzo (únicamente Kindergarten y Curso de transición al Kindergarten o TK)
    6. Examen dental  – con fecha dentro de los 12 meses previos al inicio de clases en agosto (únicamente Kindergarten y TK)


Kindergarten Enrollment Policy

To enroll in Kindergarten, your student must turn 5 on or before September 1 of the current school year. Students born between September 2 and June 2 will be eligible for Transitional Kindergarten. To be eligible for enrollment in first grade a child must be five (5) years and nine (9) months of age by Sept 1 of the current school year. An original certificate of the child’s birth will be required as evidence of age. Legal evidences of age, in order of desirability, are as follows:
  • Original certificate of birth. Copies not accepted
  • Passport, only if birth parents names listed
  • Immigration certificate
The Pittsburg School’s adopted district policy requires all kindergarten children to have a physical exam before entering school in September. The law requires a health examination certificate approved by the Department of Health Services be presented to the school by the parent or guardian within 90 days after the child’s entry into school. (Mandated Child Health and Disability Prevention "CHDP") (Board Policy 5111)
Pupils applying for admission into kindergarten shall show evidence of meeting statutory physical examination requirements by a physician licensed to practice in the state of California, or pediatric nurse practitioner under the direction of such licensed physician within six months prior to the start of the kindergarten school year, usually March 1. Physical examinations and required immunizations should be obtained simultaneously. If a physical has been completed before the March 1 date and cannot be done again due to insurance/doctor reasons, you must obtain a letter from the doctor, doctor's office or insurance company that states when the last physical was, and when the next one can be obtained, proof of the upcoming appointment, i.e. an appointment card and a copy of the previous physical with the date on it.
Pupils enrolling in first grade having not attended kindergarten in any district shall be required to show evidence of the same physical examination requirements as initially enrolling kindergarten students. The examinations shall have been given within 18 months prior to entrance into first grade. Pupils may be admitted conditionally into first grade with extenuating circumstances. 
A Dental exam is also required for TK/K registration and must be held within the 12 months before school begins. 


There can be only one residence. The residence of the custodial parent with whom an unmarried minor child lives is the residence of the minor child. The district may require documentation of current custody or guardianship arrangements. Gov. Code 244. Parents or guardians will be required to verify their address with a current utility bill, proof of home purchase, or a notarized statement from their landlord with a copy of the landlord's utility bill. Ed. Code 48204.

Enrollment Priorities

For the purpose of these regulations, caregiver affidavits shall be construed to verify residence in the district only. Caregiver affidavits will not be accepted for the purpose of circumventing the requirement of residence within a school’s attendance area. Following is the priority order in which students will be enrolled in a school:
  • Students who reside within a school’s attendance area;
  • Students overflowed out of the resident school during the previous school year;
  • Students with previously approved open enrollment placement;
  • Siblings of students with previously approved open enrollment placement;
  • All new open enrollment applicants on a lottery basis;
  • New students anticipating a move into the district within 40 school days who have an approved inter-district transfer and acceptable proof of a pending move;
  • Students already enrolled in the district with an approved inter-district transfer as long as they continue to meet the criteria of satisfactory attendance, academics and behavior;
  • New inter-district transfer requests with priority given to students whose parents/guardians are employed within district boundaries.
  • Students who move into an attendance area will be reassigned to another school if their grade level is at maximum capacity.
  • The Governing Board retains the authority to maintain appropriate racial and ethnic balances among district schools. (Education Code 35160.5) 

Immunizations Required

Parents or guardians must file written permission before their child may participate in any immunization program. Ed. Code 49403 and Health & Safety Code 120345. No person may be admitted as a pupil of any school in the district unless prior to his/her first admission to school he/she has been fully immunized:
Polio (Trivalent oral); At least four (4) doses
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DPT); At least four (4) doses
Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR); Two (2) doses
Hepatitis B; Three (3) doses
Varicella; Two (2) doses or health care provider-documented varicella disease

A pupil who cannot demonstrate evidence of having received these required immunizations will not be admitted to school. Pupils entering a California school for the first time must provide a written immunization record of receipt of each required vaccine dose (or of any exemptions to the immunization requirements). This record must show the date (at least the month and year) of receipt of each dose. Parents/guardians who do not have immunization records for their children no longer have the option of simply filling in and signing the California School Immunization Record (PM 286). They are to be referred to a physician, nurse or department to obtain a written immunization record for presentation at school entry. Health & Safety Code 120430.   
All children entering 7th grade will be required to have:
  • 3 Doses of Hepatitis B vaccine: 3 shots over a six-month period.
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) containing vaccine: 2 doses
  • TDAP REQUIREMENT: ALL STUDENTS GRADES 7-12 must have the TDAP Vaccination.

Immunization Exemption

New State Law SB277 states that a child enrolling in K-12 public schools can no longer use personal belief exemptions for immunizations.   The only exemption accepted is from a licensed physician and only for medical reasons. 

Physical Examination Exemption

A physical examination will not be given to a child if a parent has filed written objection to such examination for the current school year. However, it should be noted that the child may be sent home if he/she is believed to be suffering from a recognized infectious or contagious disease. Ed. Code 49451

Dental Examination

A Dental Examination is also required for TK/Kinder registration.   The dental examination must be held at least 12 months prior to the beginning of the school year.  Dental examinations may be exempted. 


New Registration will be done Online. Please use the School Locator to find the school that is designated for your residence address.
All new students* grades 9-12 are to register at:
Pittsburg High School
1750 Harbor St
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 473-2390

*If your student in grades 9-12 is coming from a continuation school, please register at:
Black Diamond High School
1131 Stoneman Ave
Pittsburg, CA 94565
(925) 473-2510