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Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg High School VAPA Classes

Logo: Pittsburg High School Crest

PHSl Visual & Performing Arts Class Offerings

Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics

 Computer Graphics offers students an opportunity to learn hands-on skills using the same computer equipment and software applications found in professional production shops and design studios. Software includes Pagemaker, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop. Students develop desktop publishing skills including PostScript Illustration, scanning, digital photo retouching and advanced composition techniques. Students create business cards, flyers, brochures, magazine layouts, and newspaper advertisements. This course is a prerequisite for Advanced Computer Graphics.  Meets UC/CSU F Requirement.  Year - 10 credits
Advanced Graphic Design

Advanced Graphic Design

A year-long course designed to extend the skills students learn in Computer Graphics. This course will cover the fundamental principles and elements of visual communication. Students will engage in a comprehensive exploration of the various aspects of visual communication including theory, technology, and practice. Advanced Graphic Design is intended for students who wish to continue their education in the Graphic Design field and who would like to contribute in a meaningful and tangible way to the community through service projects. Students will familiarize themselves with design concepts beginning with hands-on problem-solving exercises and abstract visual experimentation. They will move on to interact with state-of-the-art graphic design tools, namely, Adobe CS5: Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, and also gain a basic understanding of previous technology which has provided the foundation for current methods. 
Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year – 10 credits.
Art of Video Production

Art of Video Production

In Art of Video Production, students compare the media of film, television, and video, including the aesthetics, cultural elements, and history. Students develop skills to produce their videos and take an in-depth look at the nature of video communication, exploring aspects of pre-production and post-production, script writing, camera work, lighting, and sound. Students utilize skills in directing and editing to produce a variety of projects, including school newscasts, documentaries, and video productions.
Meets UC/CSU F Requirement. Year – 10 credits.
Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast Journalism focuses on the analysis and practice of electronic news gathering, media production, and presentation from a variety of theoretical, philosophical, artistic, and historical perspectives.  Students will gain a richer understanding of the ideals, constraints, rituals, and routines of the global news media, all while gaining practical experience as broadcast and emerging media journalists.  Students will use this form of production to make personal audio and video productions that include the principles of visual design and industry production value standards.  Students will digitally record, edit, and distribute their projects across multiple media platforms to be updated as new media channels emerge. 
Meets the UC/CSU G Requirement.  Year- 10 credits
Digital Photography

Digital Photography

Digital Photography is a creative art and technology course that will provide students with an opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills in the art of Photography and the technology of Digital Photography. This course will familiarize the student with basic and advanced digital photographic equipment, materials, and processes, including the use of computer hardware and software programs. Students will develop their creative ability, aesthetic eye, and critical assessment of photographic works. The influence of photography on our culture and arts will be discovered. This course is a prerequisite for Advanced Photography. 
Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement.  Year – 10 credits. 
Advanced Photography

Advanced Photography

A year-long course that extends the skills acquired in Digital Photography. The course focus will include both image capture techniques and post-processing techniques in the digital lab. The students will explore studio and on-location lighting techniques to enhance their photography. They will critique their own work, as well as the work of their peers, and create a website and portfolio of work that will demonstrate their aesthetic. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement.  Year – 10 credits.
Digital Recording Studio

Digital Recording Studio

Digital Recording Studio is a course where students learn the art and science of Audio Engineering as practiced by professional Recording Engineers, Broadcast Audio Engineers, and Sound Reinforcement Technicians. Students receive rigorous hands-on training in the use of professional audio hardware and software in professional workflows. Students gain experience recording, mixing, mastering, and final distribution of projects by working with professional analog and digital audio technology. Integrated throughout the course are career technical education standards, which include basic academic skills, communication, career planning, technology, problem-solving, safety, responsibility, ethics, teamwork, and technical knowledge.
Meets UC / CSU F Requirement. Year- 10 credits

Image: Paint Pallet, brushes and easel
Beginning Art

Beginning Art

Beginning Art, formulated around the Standards for Visual Arts, allows students to explore the fundamentals of drawing, painting, lettering, and composition. Students will be given technical instruction in the use of various media and explore creative approaches to artistic expression. Students will study art history in relation to the art concepts they are studying in class and the projects they are creating. Students will also complete reading, writing, and sketchbook assignments for class. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply the knowledge learned in class to artwork critiques through various assessment opportunities including written tests and projects. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year, 10 credts


 Ceramics will introduce students to building with clay. Emphasis will be placed on the design elements; line, shape, texture, and color. The focus will be on the hand-building techniques; pinch, coil, and slabs. Functional as well as sculptural applications will be explored. Introduction to traditional and historical ceramic arts will be incorporated into the lab experiences. Students will be introduced to the craft of wheel-thrown pottery on a limited basis. Various glaze and decoration techniques for finishing work will be introduced at the beginning of class. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year -10 credits
Intermediate Art  P

Intermediate Art  P

Designed to provide students with experiences in two-dimensional art production. The students will research various techniques of handling media and will be directed to explore in detail poster paints, watercolors, ink, charcoal, pastels, and acrylics. An emphasis is placed on their artistic perceptions and the student’s ability to write evaluations of others and their work. The historical importance of the various media with which the students work will be researched.  Students will also write evaluations demonstrating their understanding of aesthetic appreciation. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year- 10 credits
Image: Colorful Music Notes
Concert Choir

Concert Choir

Training and performance group for experienced vocalists who love to sing and want to improve their skills. Students work on proper vocal technique, harmony parts, intonation, music reading skills, music vocabulary, listening skills, rehearsal techniques, and a wide variety of repertoire. Outside-of-class-time performances are required. Membership is by audition only. This is a semester class that may be repeated as many times as desired, but a full year of involvement is encouraged. To repeat, teacher permission and previous passing grades are required.  Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year – 10 credits. 
Vocal Ensemble P

Vocal Ensemble P

 A training group for students who love to sing and want to improve their skills. Students work on proper vocal technique, pitch matching, harmony parts, intonation, music reading skills, music vocabulary, listening skills, rehearsal techniques, and a wide variety of repertoire. Outside- of-class-time performances are required. This class may be repeated as many times as desired. A $10.00 donation fee per semester is requested. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year-10 credits
Jazz Band

Jazz Band

 An intermediate performance group for students who play sax, trumpet, trombone, piano, bass, guitar, or a drum set. Students must also read music and wish to study all types of popular music, including jazz, rock, and show. Outside-of-class-time performances may be required. Concurrent enrollment in the Marching Band, Concert Band, or Wind Ensemble is required. Teacher permission is also required (audition).  Year- 10 Credit
Jazz Ensemble P

Jazz Ensemble P

An advanced performance group for students who play sax, trumpet, trombone, piano, bass, guitar, or drum set, and wish to study all types of popular music, including jazz, rock, and show.  Outside-of-class-time performances are required. Concurrent enrollment in the Marching Band, Concert Band, or Wind Ensemble is required. Teacher permission is also required (audition). Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement Year- 10 credits.  
Marching Band / COncert Band

Marching Band / COncert Band

Marching Band / Concert Band is an intermediate and advanced course designed to provide marching and musical experience for students who play brass, woodwind, percussion, or other band instruments, including various auxiliary groups, with public performances as the final result. Outside of class performances are required. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement.Year-10 credits
Marching Band/ WInd Ensemble P

Marching Band/ WInd Ensemble P

 Marching Band / Wind Ensemble is an intermediate and advanced course designed to provide marching and musical experience for students who play brass, woodwind, or other wind instruments with public performances as the final result. Outside of class performances are required. Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year- 10 credits
Images: Greek Theatre Masks on Red Circle
Intro to Theatre

Intro to Theatre

This year-long course is an introduction to theater through exercises in stage movement and oral interpretation. Students learn basic acting techniques through the use of improvisation, mime, and selected scenes. Students place more emphasis on acting scenes from contemporary plays and improvisation. Drama history is studied in relation to styles of acting. This course may not be repeated for credit.  Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement. Year- 10 credits 


An introduction to backstage aspects of theatrical productions, including set construction, painting and rigging, stage lighting, stage sound, properties, makeup, costumes, and theater management. Students who desire to work backstage on school productions should take this class. Outside-of-class-time performances and teacher permission are required.  Meets the UC/CSU F Requirement.  Year-10 credits
Acting WOrkshop

Acting WOrkshop

This is a year-long, advanced course for serious acting students. Scene study, audition preparation, basic makeup, and an in-depth method of acting preparation are included in this course which will also involve public competitions and performances. Outside-of-class-time performances are required. Teacher permission is also required (audition). Meets UC/CSU F Requirement. Year- 10 credits
Directing WOrkshop

Directing WOrkshop

This class is for third-year theater students who would like to explore the world of theatrical directing.  Budding Directors will direct scenes using Acting Workshop students.  We will explore directing concepts, styles, and techniques. Year-10 credits