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Accounts Payable & Receivable

Welcome to the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Departments! In order to best serve you, the Accounts Payable department is divided into two areas, "Vendors A - J" and "Vendors K - Z".
Accounts Receivable receives all Purchase Orders, handles invoicing/journaling and district scholarships. Plus, receives all monies on behalf of the school district. Additionally, Accounts Receivable is always available to meet your needs and answer any questions.


Cari Lange
Accounts Payable Vendors A - J Contact
(925) 473-2300 x2309
Fax: (925) 473-4203
Nathaniel Morales
Accounts Payable Vendors K - Z Contact
(925) 473-2300 x2308
Fax: (925) 473-4203
Danielle Mallory
Accounts Receivable
(925) 473-2300 x2305
Fax: (925) 473-4203


How to Submit a New Reimbursement Form:
Employees can use the below links to start a new Reimbursement Form.
When you click the link, you will be taken to the Form Preview page. Please type in your name and email and then click the “Go To Form” button. You will be redirected to a blank Reimbursement Form, which you can proceed to fill out and submit using the red “Submit” button that follows you down the middle of the page. When you submit the form, you will be prompted to select from a dropdown list the Secretary from your school site or department who needs to review your form, add a SACS code, etc.
Once the form is submitted to the Secretary, you will receive an email from Informed K12 notifying you that the form was successfully submitted. This email contains a link to access a read-only copy of your submitted form. From the read- only copy online, you can download a PDF of your form and track the progress of your form. Be sure to attach any receipt copies, App to Attend, or any other required documentation electronically. See the “Add Attachment” link at the bottom of the form. Note the 3 web-links in the upper left corner of the form where you can find Google Maps, the District Mileage Form, and the Form Instructions. Please take some time to review the form instructions on the Business Services website. Note that meals will be reimbursed at per diem rates. Please do not submit receipts for meal reimbursements.


How to Submit a New Purchase Order Change Form:
Employees can use the link below to start a new purchase order change form. When you click the link, you will be taken to the Form Preview page. Please type in your name and email and then click the “Go To Form” button. You will be redirected to a blank PO Change Form, which you can proceed to fill out and submit using the red “Submit” button that follows you down the middle of the page. When you submit the form, you will be prompted to select from a dropdown list for the Site Administrator/Director from your school site or department who needs to review your form. Once the forms is submitted to the Secretary, you will receive an email from Chalk notifying you that the form was successfully submitted. This email contains a link to access a read-only copy of your submitted form. From the read-only copy online, you can download a PDF of your form and track the progress of your form.
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