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Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District's Arts and Music in Schools Plan: Prop 28

Prop 28 Arts and Music in Schools Plan

Prop 28 Arts and Music in Schools Plan

Narrative: Pittsburg Unified School District used the Prop 28 opportunity to expand art opportunities across all schools as much as possible. The elementary school sites all selected arts as the area where they wanted to expand. (All elementary schools already had music teachers). We hired 4 elementary arts teachers that worked across all 8 elementary schools. One of the three Junior High Schools was able to find teachers to increase their arts classes. Pittsburg High School expanded its arts-related offerings to include Digital Arts, Additional Art class to meet student interest, and a new Folklorico Dance Class. We were unable to find staffing for two of the Junior High Schools and for our Continuation High School. We are excited that we do have that staffing for the 2024-2025 school year. All sites, with teacher input, also agreed to contribute to a Teacher on Special Assignment to specifically support all arts across the District. We hired a long-term Theater teacher who has been involved in the California Arts standards. She was able to support the new teachers and assist with curriculum development of some of the new courses. She also connected with the California Arts Project and our Board approved an MOU with them for support in professional development for teachers on the California Arts Standards and on developing a strategic plan for arts integration across PUSD. Pittsburg Unified School District''s Allocation Arts and Music in Schools Funding is approximately 1,872,411 for the 2023-2024 school year. This funding is received annually in individual school allocations, based on student enrollment. Carryover funds are allowed. The District has three school years to expend the funds. For the 2023-2024 school year, PUSD focused on hiring staff and is carrying over the other 20% for the sites to use for their non-personnel needs. For the schools that were not able to hire, that funding will be spread out to hire additional staff per the 80 percent requirement and also to add to the non-personnel funding. PUSD''s Parcel Tax in support of Arts, Music, and Athletics expires June, 2024. Part of the arts and music related staffing may be continued through the Prop 28 funding to continue music positions that will lose their funding at the expiration of the Parcel Tax, pending auditing approval.