Notary Proof of Address and Caregiver Affidavits
Notary proof of address
Notary proof of address
Notary proof of address
Unable to provide a Utility Bill in the Parent/Guardian name? Is the bill under someone else's name?
You may need to complete the Notary Proof Of Address.
How to fill out the form:
1. Print the Form or get one from the District Office, Student Services, 2000 Railroad Ave, Suite D, Pittsburg, CA M-F 8am-4pm
2. Fill out the Parent/Guardian Name, Phone number, each of the student's names, date of birth and school, and the address.
3. The person who's name is on the Utility Bill would need to sign the form in front of a Notary Public.
4. Bring the following to the Student Services office for approval
a. Notary completed
b. The Uitlity Bill of the person who signed the notary
c. 2 pieces of mail (Any mail) with the Parent/Guardian's name that has a date within 30 days
d. The Parent/Guardian's ID
The Notary Proof of Address form must be completed each school year, before school registration.
Caregiver Affidavits
Caregiver Affidavits
Caregiver Affidavits
Do you have a student in your care are you are not the Parent/Legal Guardian?
Situations that may apply to you:
You are not listed the student's Birth Certificate
You don't have court appointed guardianship
You may be looking after a younger family member and their parent is not living in the same home.
If any of these pertain to you, please fill out a Caregiver Affidavit.
How to fill out a Caregiver Affidavit:
1. Print the form above or you can get one at Student Services, 2000 Railroad Ave, Suite D, Pittsburg, CA 94565
2. Fill out all the sections
3. Sign in front of a Notary Public
4. Submit the form, your utility bill (dated within 30 days) and ID to Student Services for Approval
Caregiver Affidavits must be renewed each school year, before school registration.
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