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Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.
Image: Tiger coming over the MLK logo

Arts Classes at Martin Luther King Jr Junior High School

Media & Visual Arts

Animation (Semester pair with Ceramics)- Animation is a project-based course. Scholars will learn the methods and principles of animation and apply a variety of skills to create hand-drawn and computer-rendered projects.  Scholars work individually to learn specific skills and also work collaboratively to produce a variety of short animated videos
Art  (Semester pair with Computers)- In this class, you will study art from different time periods to learn about people and cultures of the eras. In addition, you will have the opportunity to create your original art pieces! You do not need to be artistic to take this class. However, you should have a desire to learn and enjoy art.
Art/Painting (Semester paired with Language Exploration)-Painting is a visual art course where scholars will explore and experience a variety of painting techniques, media, and historical approaches to art
Ceramics (Semester paired with Animation)-A class for creative people who like to work with their hands and don’t mind getting a little dirty. You will use clay to create projects that will be painted and taken home. Basic hand-building techniques will be taught and used to create your projects.
Visual Arts (Semester with Restorative Justice)-Scholars investigate a wide range of media and techniques, from both a historical and contemporary perspective, as they engage in the art-making processes of creating two-dimensional works, which may include drawing, painting, printmaking, and/or collage

Band & Music

Beginning Band (Yearlong)-This class is designed for scholars who have played in elementary or have never played a band instrument. Requirements: practice every day; perform in concerts during the year
Wind Ensemble or Concert Band (Yearlong)- These are higher level bands. Scholars must participate in concerts and are encouraged to try out for the PHS band. Prerequisite: Completed beginning band and practice every day