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Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.

Pittsburg Unified School District

Every Scholar, Every Day. They Deserve Nothing Less Than Our Best.
The objective and purpose of the DAC shall be to assist the school district to bring about the cooperation and coordination of community resources which may be of value to the schools in the operation of the Compensatory Education Programs. In achieving this purpose, the Advisory Committee shall provide advice and assistance in:
  • Developing programs in cooperation with existing community resources in their locality
  • Mobilizing and coordinating all community resources in a concerted attack on the problems of educationally disadvantaged children
  • Overall planning, development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of information relative to the objectives of the District Compensatory Programs
  • Acting as a Hearing Board for any individual or group who may want to propose additions to or changes in the school district’s proposed Compensatory Programs

School districts receiving Economic Impact Aid (EIA)/State Compensatory Education (SCE) are required to establish a District Advisory Council (DAC) for the purpose of advising districts and schools regarding compensatory education programs. The DAC shall include broad representation of the parent population served by this district or school. Parent representatives are to be elected by the parents of pupils participating in a program of compensatory education residing in the district and shall constitute a majority of the membership. DAC responsibilities may include but are not limited to reviewing district goals and objectives, reviewing the district’s consolidated applications that support school site improvements, identifying ways to strengthen parent/guardian involvement, and analyzing school data to provide recommendations on how to improve student programs. Please contact your school site principal for more information.


The DAC shall meet regularly, as needed, during the traditional school year. Summer meetings may be held at the discretion of the Chairperson. All regular and special meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order or in accordance with an appropriate adaptation thereof.

All regular and special meetings of the DAC, and its standing or special committees, shall be open at all times to representatives from the School District and public.


Dr. J.C. Farr
Executive Director, Equity, Access and Success
Educational Services
District Advisory Committee
(925) 473-2300 x2316